Since 2002, Fr. Emmanuel Katongole has led groups of Christians from around the world on “pilgrimages” – journeys of discovery, learning and transformation in Uganda and Rwanda. Father Emmanuel's vision of pilgrimage is an attempt to engage an ancient Christian practice as a way to cultivate a deeper understanding of Africa and nurture friendships that lead Christians from outside Africa and those in Africa to see themselves in a fresh light – no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens and members of God’s household (Eph.2:19). That is the true goal and essence of Christian mission – the gift of the church as a global communion ‘drawn from every nation, race, people and tongue' (Rev 7:9). It is the gift of God’s ‘new creation’ that baptism makes available, which then calls us to live within God’s household and as ambassadors of God’s reconciliation (2 Cor 5: 20) in the world. Through pilgrimage, programs and other study opportunities at Bethany House, this vision of Christian identity, mission and reconciliation is fostered and advanced.
Find out how you can join Fr. Emmanuel Katongole on pilgrimage to Uganda, or how he can help you and your group plan a pilgrimage. Also, if you would like to organize a study time with Fr. Emmanuel at Bethany House, send inquiry to [email protected].